Kyle Oaks di Justus Stewart edito da iUniverse
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Kyle Oaks

The Unknown Threat







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Descrizione Kyle Oaks

Justus Stewart has giving you, his valued readers a second book in the Kyle Oaks series. In the first one, King Kyle was sent to Earth and had his memory erased. Larry, the one that sent King Kyle away and took over Droegled and attempted to take over all of Nighta was finally defeated when King Kyle returned and got his memory back just in time. Jordan Oaks found the cure for his father's death when he was the one that killed Larry. Larry as we found out was the one that poisoned King Kyle II to start his quest on ruling Nighta, but that plan did not turn out, nor did his second attempt when he overthrew King Kyle III. Now that Nighta seems to be back in order, a new and unknown threat has been unleashed on Nighta. Can King Kyle and his brother Jordan figure out who the new threat is in time to save Nighta once again? Don't miss out on this edition of Kyle Oaks and find out!!

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