Korean K-Pop and K-Drama Language Workbook: An Introduction to the Hangul Alphabet and K-Pop and K-Drama Vocabulary - With 108 Lined and Gridded Pages edito da TUTTLE PUB
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Korean K-Pop and K-Drama Language Workbook: An Introduction to the Hangul Alphabet and K-Pop and K-Drama Vocabulary - With 108 Lined and Gridded Pages

A Complete Introduction To Korean Hangul With 108 Gridded Sheets For Handwriting Practice (Free Online Audio For Pronunciation Practice)







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Descrizione Korean K-Pop and K-Drama Language Workbook: An Introduction to the Hangul Alphabet and K-Pop and K-Drama Vocabulary - With 108 Lined and Gridded Pages

Learn to Write and Read the Korean Hangul Alphabet with K-Pop and K-Drama Words and Phrases! This comprehensive workbook is designed to teach beginners how to write and read the Korean Hangul script. It features a complete introduction to the Hangul letters and syllable combinations, with reference charts and guided writing exercises that show you the correct way to write each letter and how to combine them to form words. This all-in-one learning tool includes 14 pages of writing practice exercises for words commonly found in K-Pop songs and K-Drama shows, and over 100 pages of blank writing grids for handwriting practice with lined pages for note-taking. Free online audio recordings by native Korean speakers teach you the correct sounds and pronunciations of all the letters and words in the book.

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