Koenig Krieg di Drew Birkmyre edito da Lulu.com
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Koenig Krieg







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Descrizione Koenig Krieg

Welcome to Koenig Krieg Version 4. This new edition allows players to not only re-fight battles during the wars of Frederick the Great, but also the Great Northern War, Napoleonic Wars, American Civil War, War of Triple Alliance, Mexican American War, Zulu Wars, Crimean, Franco-Prussian and Austro-Prussian wars as well. It has taken a few years now of game testing and organising but we are finally there. Inside the book: 84 full colour, hardcover rulebook: Clearly presented rules, easy to read with plenty of diagrams and examples. New and improved sequence of play, with detailed rules for command and control, movement, shooting, close combat, exploitation and morale. New Brigade Morale Rules. New Combined Action Rules. New Reaction Rules. New Village and Garrison Rules. And much, much more! So come on and play Koenig Krieg, it's the way Freddy would have played it! Please note, books are printed on demand and take up to 7-14 days to arrive. Expect delays due to Christmas rush and Christmas Holiday Opening Hours! Lastly, thanks to all the loyal Koenig Krieg customers. I know you have been waiting patiently for the new release for a couple of years now. I thank you for your dedication and patience. Kindest Regards Drew

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