Knives 2024, 44th Edition edito da GUN DIGEST BOOKS
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Knives 2024, 44th Edition

The World's Greatest Knife Book





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Descrizione Knives 2024, 44th Edition

Now in its 44th Edition, Knives 2024, from the publishers of Blade Magazine, is the annual showcase of the most remarkable custom and factory-manufactured knives in one incredible collection. This year's edition features more knives than ever, with 900+ full-color photos of edged creations from across the globe. In addition, KNIVES 2022 brings you entertaining and informational feature material that immerses readers even further into the vast world of fine blades. A few of the topics covered in this edition include: Insider secrets of master knifemakers; The hottest handle and blade materials; Rescue and tactical blades for any occasion; Trends in fashionable and functional flippers; Mosaic knives for the collector! For the custom-knife enthusiast, Knives 2024 shows off the incredible craftsmanship that goes into the work of top makers who spend weeks, months or even years producing their functional art."

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