Knitting Rules! di Stephanie Pearl-McPhee edito da Storey Books
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Knitting Rules!

The Yarn Harlot's Bag Of Knitting Tricks


Storey Books





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Descrizione Knitting Rules!

Stephanie Pearl-McPhee, the best-selling author of "At Knit' s End: Meditations for Women Who Knit Too Much" and celebrated blogger and humorist of the knitting world, is back! Funnier than ever, Pearl-McPhee continues her running dialogue with her knitting compatriots - cheering them on to ever-greater heights in the climb to make knitting universally recognized as THE peak life experience. Both a celebration of knitting and a sourcebook for practical information, this book is a collection of useful advice and emotional support for the knitter. Pearl-McPhee examines essential truisms of knitting, side by side with tongue in-cheek warnings, realities, and fantasies about the act of knitting and the people who do it. In chapters on everything from yarn needles, gauge, and knitting bag essentials to hats, socks, shawls, and sweaters, Pearl-McPhee unravels the mysteries of what it is that makes knitting click, from the inside out. She dares to question longstanding rules and uncover the true essence of what makes a hat a hat, a sock a sock, and so on. Insights into why certain techniques work encourage knitters to take control and knit in the way that works best for them. As she says, " There are no knitting police." The result is an illuminating, liberating (and hilarious!) look at knitting that will comfort the experienced knitter, surprise the mainstream one, and entice the beginner.

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