Knit Baby Blankets! edito da Storey Books

Knit Baby Blankets!


Storey Books





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Descrizione Knit Baby Blankets!

A baby's on the way, and you want to give something personal, something truly of yourself. The solution: Sit down and knit a jaunty cap, a cozy crib blanket, or some fun booties for baby's sweet little feet. New parents will treasure any of the adorable projects in the Knit Baby scries--attractive, die-cut, how-to-books, each with 15 patterns of baby's cutest accessories. As with all of the titles in the die-cut knitting series, the Knit Baby books are written with the beginning or occasional knitter in mind. All instructions are in plain English--abbreviations are kept to a minimum, and all terms are thoroughly explained. Plus, the unique color-coded column format makes it easy for knitters to follow the instructions for the size of their knitted item. Both books feature patterns from a wide range of knitting designers in the United States and Canada, and they are packed with practical information, including advice on which yarns are most suitable for baby knits--soft cottons, chenilles, and warm, machine-washable wools. Each book includes at least one felted knitting project; felting is a hot technique that produces soft, cozy, unusual items that knitters everywhere are enjoying. The styles range from traditional to hip, from whimsical to bold, and all are adorable!

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€ 110.90

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