Kiss of the White Wolf di Cassidy Ryan edito da Total-E-Bound Publishing
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Kiss of the White Wolf





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Descrizione Kiss of the White Wolf

Hal went looking for a wild weekend, and found more wild than he could ever have hoped for. Hal's world has been in a tailspin since he wrote a book exposing police corruption. Seeking respite and distraction, he heads off for a wild weekend in Brighton, hoping for hot guys, loud music and lots of booze. What he gets instead is a near-naked man mountain, bruised, bleeding and suffering from temporary memory loss. Hal isn't ready for the news that Luke is a werewolf, and even less prepared for Luke's declaration that Hal is his life mate. But he can't seem to walk away when Luke is obviously in trouble, and there is no denying the searing heat that is between them. The more time they spend together the deeper their connection becomes, until Hal starts to wonder about the whole 'mate' thing. However, there is a cloud of danger hanging over Luke's head that could destroy everything they have the potential to become...the men who abducted and tortured Luke still have him in their sights.

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