King Henry IV, Part 2 di William Shakespeare edito da Akasha Classics
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King Henry IV, Part 2





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Descrizione King Henry IV, Part 2

Hotspur is dead and a new rebellion against the king is forming, supported by his father the Earl of Northumberland. The moving continuation of King Henry IV Part 1 delves into a broad spectrum of society, from Falstaff and his shadowy associations to the nobility and high court. Prince Hal, though he has proven himself in battle, is still hanging around in bawdy taverns and keeping lowly company. His father fears he is entirely unsuited for kingship. But Hal matures, leaving behind his relationship with Falstaff, and reconciles with his dying father. Falstaff, meanwhile, has been sent to raise a scratch militia, meeting all kinds of comic characters in the country. Every bit as compelling as the first part, this drama embodies Shakespeare at the height of his writing maturity.

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