King Henry IV, Part 1 di William Shakespeare edito da Akasha Classics
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King Henry IV, Part 1





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Descrizione King Henry IV, Part 1

Delve into the turbulent history of 15th century England, where the continuing battle for the crown is marked by rebellion, deceit and bloodshed. Having usurped the throne from King Richard II, King Henry IV is himself threatened by opposition from some of the nobles that helped him gain it. Guilt troubles his conscience and he despairs about the self-indulgent behavior of his son Prince Hal who hangs around in taverns and keeps the company of disreputable characters like Sir John Falstaff. By doing so he throws into public question the family's right to the throne. Beside the political intrigues, the play is thus also a study of the complexity of family relationships, contrasting the King and his son with Hotspur, leader of the counter-rebellion, and his father, the Earl of Northumberland. One of Shakespeare's most highly praised history plays, King Henry IV has fascinated audiences from the start.

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