K.a.l.i.: Kill Anxiety Live Immensely di Najaam P Lee edito da Lulu.com
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K.a.l.i.: Kill Anxiety Live Immensely

Lee, N: KALI







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Descrizione K.a.l.i.: Kill Anxiety Live Immensely

IF you're seeking RESULTS lasting relief from spinning out anxiety, then this IS the book for you.Thankfully, there's a viable road map for alleviating these issues. Kill Anxiety Live Immensely from author, Najaam P Lee, provides a strategy for battling with and healing from anxiety. Does insomnia kick-in when constant worries fill your thoughts? Is fear like a cloud lingering over your dreams you want to achieve? Can you use some peace and tranquility? If you answered YES! you are not alone. Anxiety has always hidden in the shadows of every human being until Social Media blew it up. This bomb brought awareness to a vastness in the area of anxiety, that 40 million adults in the U.S. alone are suffering from anxiety; 6.8 million adults affected by G.A.D. which is generalized anxiety disorder, yet only 43.2% are receiving treatment.This lead Najaam on a quest to understanding her own struggles and a wild encounter with Hindu goddess Kali Ma showing the way to overcoming and taking back her power!

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