Kikeo e a Baleia. Edição Bilingue Inglês-Português. di Kike Calvo edito da Blurb
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Kikeo e a Baleia. Edição Bilingue Inglês-Português.

Dual Language Books for Children. Bilingual English - Portuguese





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Descrizione Kikeo e a Baleia. Edição Bilingue Inglês-Português.

Kikeo and The Whale is a beautiful story that submerges first readers in a sea of adventures. Hand-in-hand with photographer Kike Calvo, the reader discovers a beautiful story of an encounter between Kikeo and a baby whale and her mom. The adventure unfolds with a clear message on the importance of preserving our oceans. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "With all the clutter in the children's sections of bookstores and libraries, it can be difficult to select what books to share with our children. Make your storytime informative, fun, and bilingual as kids learn about the natural world around her in Kike Calvo's charming books." ~ Valarie van Cleave Chair- Board of Directors, Oceana

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