Kickback di Michael Rutter edito da iUniverse
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A Fight Choreographer on Vacation Matches Wits and Romance with a Deadly Seductress.







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Descrizione Kickback

Martial artist Michael Rutter delivers a hard-hitting adventure packed with tricky situations, unique characters, and witty dialogue.A high-octane blend of road trip and romance novel, KickBack pits a burnt-out fight-choreographer against a deadly seductress with intense results. With too many B-grade movies and bad relationships under his black belt, former karate champion Race Richards leaves Los Angeles on a "top-downall- the-way" journey to northern Minnesota for some camping and fishing on a friend's valuable backwoods lake property. Headed for the same location is Kendra Vaughn, a scheming seductress working for a greedy real estate developer. Accompanied by a small army of rough-and-tumble associates, her assignment is to make the property market available for an upcoming multimillion dollar casino deal. Realizing her target is not there, Kendra discovers instead the lonely Race occupying the area. While he fends off her dangerous comrades using high-impact martial strategies, the stunt-fighter has a much tougher challenge once Kendra starts using every sexy trick in her dirty little book. Will she seduce him? Kill him? Or both? It might be fishing season, but somebody's going hunting!

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