The Kickapoo Indians, Their History and Culture di Phillip White edito da Greenwood
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The Kickapoo Indians, Their History and Culture

An Annotated Bibliography







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Descrizione The Kickapoo Indians, Their History and Culture

Originating in the Great Lakes area, the Kickapoo Indians are now divided into four groups living in Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, and Mexico. Considered the most traditional of all North American Indian tribes, the Kickapoo maintain much of their traditional culture, religion, and language. This book provides the first comprehensive bibliography on the history and culture of the Kickapoo Indians. Covering materials from the 1800s to 1998, it includes books and book chapters, journal articles, theses and dissertations, conference papers, government publications, and Internet sites.Opening with an introduction providing an overview of the Kickapoo, the book is arranged topically. Descriptive and critical annotations guide researchers to the most useful sources on a plethora of topics. Topical sections include such subjects as acculturation, ceremonies, culture, folklore, and food as well as such issues as education, housing, economics, relations with whites, land tenure and migration, and medicine and health.

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