Keyview di Barkley "Red" Barkley edito da AuthorHouse
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Descrizione Keyview

This book is a book of some questions to ponder; some answers to ponder; some propositions; some controversial materials. It will inform some and possibly outrage some who have a different point of view about your world around us. If you have a closed mind it may not be the book for you. It is a book with a large background of Bible implications. It suggests future events as well as the world situation around you now. You will see things that are worth your notice and attention. Unlike other more common literature; it can be begun at nearly any page. It is a volume, not to promote one basic ideal, but many. You should find something pertaining to your own world within these pages; something you would like to know or should know. It is a book of the discovery of the over-looked apparent. Some thinking is required. If you like to think, it should be reading for pleasure. You will discover you live in a world of many worlds. One of the main ideas of this book is to stimulate one's own thinking facility (the brain) to more active participation in the world around us. The future is better to the thinkers. One is not likely to read this book in one setting because it is a thinking book; a book to ponder. You will see more if you walk so to speak, rather than fly through this book; as it says in the book, "Open your eyes and see the darkness; close your eyes and see the light".

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