The Keys: A Guide To A Flourishing Life di Ricardo M. Yslas edito da TWO HARBORS PR
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The Keys: A Guide To A Flourishing Life





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Descrizione The Keys: A Guide To A Flourishing Life

It's been said that to know the light, we must know the dark and like all things there are two sides. We know one because of the other, we see and value one because of the other and each can help establish where we are and help guide us to where we want to be. Everyone defines success differently, yet there appears to be a collective agreement when asked what success is. Answers like: Independence (Physical and Financial) Health (Strength of Body, Mind and Spirit) Love (Familial and Romantic) Happiness (Unshakeable Well-being) I believe these are all true and they are rooted in discipline. Success is a few simple disciplines practiced everyday. In this book, there are ten keys. Ten keys to the metaphorical locked doors keeping you from getting to where you want to go and who you want to be. Join me in unlocking your better future! Inspired and driven by a passion for healthy living and greater quality of life, Kent Island native, Ricardo Yslas is a mentor and Crossfit Level 1 trainer who is also an avid reader and writer with the aim of serving those locally and globally to find the best version of themselves. The Keys is a culmination of reflections of past experiences, journal entries, scientific research and quotes organized in one place that readers may pull from to unlock more of their potential and actualize it.

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