Kayak Jack and Amigo Go to Baja di Susan Diorio edito da Page Publishing Inc
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Kayak Jack and Amigo Go to Baja





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Descrizione Kayak Jack and Amigo Go to Baja

There's a whole watery world waiting to be explored by kayak. A young boy and his best friend and traveling buddy paddle into the fascinating waters surrounding the Baja, Mexico, peninsula. What animals, birds, and sea life will they encounter? Where will they explore on their next adventure? Susan's beautiful book instills a sense of intrigue and appreciation in children at an early age for the magic of sea life, the joys and thrills of being on the water, and the wonders of nature. So very important in this digital age to encourage exploration and experiencing life first-hand! Bravo, Susan, for your part in creating a new generation of ocean lovers who will love, respect and care for our planet, and specifically our oceans, and pass the story on to their own children one day. Ruth Triglia- SVP of sales- Hobie Cat Company

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