Kara Jigoku to Haimen Ni di Angelus Mykeal Xayne edito da Lulu.com
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Kara Jigoku to Haimen Ni







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Descrizione Kara Jigoku to Haimen Ni

A young man named Shonuske, age 15; who later finds out that life is not what he thought. He is the victim of sexual abuse by his uncle, a man of wealth and power, and is forced to learn to enjoy his lot as a slave until one day when a twist of fate allows him the chance to make a deal with the devil kind of bargain for his and the friendly maid Yuka's freedom. Now in a new school and chance to really learn something worthwhile he is soon the victim of a new kind of torture at the hands of a few of his own classmates. They discovered what he used to do before coming to school. What will he do to protect his freedom and more over will he ever learn to love anyone other than the woman who helped him gain his freedom from his uncle? What will happen when he has to make a choice of seeing his siblings again or remaining free?

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