Kale, Quran, and Kinship di Saffiyah Fawaz edito da Lulu.com
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Kale, Quran, and Kinship

A Non-Binary Muslim's Voyage







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Descrizione Kale, Quran, and Kinship

Kale, Quran, and Kinship: A Non-Binary Muslim's Voyage" is a deeply moving and inspiring chronicle of Saffiyah's journey, exploring the intricate intersectionality of their identity as a non-binary Muslim vegan. This narrative transcends borders and societal norms, delving deep into the human experience of self-discovery and authenticity. From the bustling city of Karachi to the heart of London, Saffiyah's journey is a captivating voyage through faith, gender, culinary preferences, and academic pursuit. As they navigate their path, they also shine a light on the way for others who might be grappling with their own identities. This book is an exploration of the courage it takes to be true to oneself, the power of sharing one's experiences, and the transformative potential of living authentically. Engrossing, thought-provoking, and ultimately uplifting, "Kale, Quran, and Kinship: A Non-Binary Muslim's Voyage" is a testament to the power of individual journeys to inspire change and foster understanding.

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