The Justice Farm di Brian Vallery edito da
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The Justice Farm


Jamie Sale, Sale




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Descrizione The Justice Farm

"I remember what things were like before we ate that corn. The farm was so peaceful, but oh how things have changed. Now, its all a "Sonic Moo" here, and a "Quack Splash" there. I'm not complaining or anything, I love being a superhero. You know what they say "With great power comes, great responsibility," and saving our town and farm from the evil Hen House is OUR responsibility." - Hampton The Justice Farm is follows the adventures of Hampton, Mabel, Swift, Duckbill, and Raul as they protect the town of Hayfield, and their beloved farm, from the evil Hen House and their diabolical, rooster leader Ferro. What once was a quiet, peaceful farm is turned upside down when the contents of a mysterious liquid seeps into Farmer Justice's cornfield and into his unsuspecting animals feed. What ensues is a hilarious story that is built on the backbone of friendship, and how by working together as a team, you can overcome almost anything. Even if that anything is a giant mechanical monster made from tractor pieces, farm equipment, powered by enhanced corn and driven by a villainous, evil rooster, whose only goal is taking over the place you love most in the world, and having it all for himself!

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