Just One Scandal di Phillips Carly Phillips edito da CP Publishing LLC
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Just One Scandal





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Descrizione Just One Scandal

A jilted bride. Her brother's ex-buddy. An affair would be crazy...right? Chloe Kingston's life is exactly how she needs it: safe and stable. Right up until her reliable, low-risk fiancé jilts her on their fairy-tale wedding day. As she works her way through the reception champagne-and wonders where she's going to live-she stumbles into her brother Linc's ex-best friend. If only Beckett Daniels were hideous. But he's not. He's everything her erstwhile groom was not. Hot. Sexy. Dangerous. And she's just buzzed enough to want all that Greek-god gorgeousness to show her the kind of fun she's been missing. Beck thrives on calculated risks, but taking advantage of Linc's little sister isn't one of them. What he can do is haul her tipsy, tulle-clad, tempting little butt to the bridal suite to sleep it off. Then move her into his spare room-which has the satisfying side effect of driving her brother crazy. They can't remain platonic roommates for long. Not when the sexual attraction sizzles out of control. But when tragedy threatens Beck, pain from his past reminds them both that life doesn't come without risks...and this time, they're gambling with their hearts.

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