Just One More Summer di Julie McGowan edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Just One More Summer





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Descrizione Just One More Summer

Devastated by the breakdown of her marriage, Allie flees to the one place her heart can seek comfort: Cornwall, where she hopes childhood memories of a holiday with her father will sustain her while she sorts out her plans for the future. But fate has other ideas, and she finds herself drawn into an almost obsessive friendship with a band of strange bedfellows led by Marsha, an intense, ageing hippy with a powerful life force that at once comforts, stimulates and infuriates Allie. Her growing attraction to one of the golden group's men, Adam, bewilders her as she discovers that nothing in life is what it seems. Heading back to London, her life-complications only deepen - husband wants her back, father arrives unannounced from France, loopy mother proclaims yet another marriage - and the hardest part is yet to come for them all. Finally, Allie realises that she must confront the secrets and lies of her past - and Marsha's - before she can face her own future.

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