Just Like Me di Archie B. Morrison edito da iUniverse
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Just Like Me

Beyond The Thousand-yard Stare







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"Just Like Me: Beyond the Thousand-Yard Stare" contains battle scenes as vivid as those in a Tom Hanks movie and psychic twists and turns reminiscent of Hitchcock. - Don Duncan, retired journalist and World War II Army veteran "Just Like Me" is an exciting, riveting read. It will do much to further the understanding of the emotional turmoil resulting from war. - Carol Lodmell, retired educator This open and honest story is, I like to think, a freeing of some of Archie Morrison's demons into the ether to dilution and impotence. I like to think, too, that in its expression of hope, it is also about man seeking something much better than the worst he can do to others (and himself). It helps express, not just Archie's aspirations, but ours as well. - Richard Prince, retired dentist and Vietnam Navy veteran Archie Morrison creates an account of an unbelievable friendship that becomes believable when we see that it is built on truths that war diminishes but does not extinguish. - Denzil Walters, retired teacher and editor; World War II Navy veteran

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