Just Health di Norman Daniels edito da Cambridge University Press
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Just Health

Meeting Health Needs Fairly





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Descrizione Just Health

In this new book by the award-winning author of Just Healthcare, Norman Daniels develops a comprehensive theory of justice for health that answers three key questions: what is the special moral importance of health? When are health inequalities unjust? How can we meet health needs fairly when we cannot meet them all? The theory has implications for national and global health policy: Can we meet health needs fairly in aging societies? Or protect health in the workplace while respecting individual liberty? Or meet professional obligations and obligations of justice without conflict? When is health reform or the selection of patients for treatment for HIV or coverage for catastrophic health benefits fair? When is an effort to reduce health disparities, or to set priorities in realizing a human right to health fair? What do richer, healthier societies owe poorer, sicker societies? Just Health: Meeting Health Needs Fairly explores the many ways that social justice is good for the health of populations in developed and developing countries.

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