Judith di A.E. Bron edito da Austin Macauley Publishers
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Descrizione Judith

A young girl wearing a coat two sizes too large and carrying two plastic carrier bags tucks her hair into the hood and with a huge smile walks into that stormy night. A rookie agent discovers the brutally murdered body of a prominent senior politician in a sex den flat in a slum area of Soho. When he walks into that same stormy night he carries the blood-soaked body of a paedophile, memories that will haunt him for years and guilt of being the first stage of a cover-up to save the dead man's reputation. That young girl and that rookie agent were tied together by that night. He needed answers and as he moved up the ladder of authority he used his position to seek those answers using justice of law. She wanted the law of justice. Justice for the victims against those who are so sure they are beyond the law. Their paths were destined to meet, and only one of them can claim a victory - but which one?

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