Joys, Fears, And Tears di Robert Elliott Cohen edito da iUniverse
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Joys, Fears, And Tears







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Descrizione Joys, Fears, And Tears

Robert Cohen is a Motivational Speaker and writer of a book of poetry inspired by life experiences. Cohen is a native of Savannah Georgia and grew up in the Chatham County School system. He received a undergraduate Bachelor of Science in Sociology with a minor in Psychology from Savannah State University in December 2005. On March 2006 Cohen received his license to minister. For the past ten years Cohen has worked for the City of Savannah as a Summer Camp Counselor and is on the Board of Directors for the Chatham Savannah Citizens Advocacy. In his role for the Chatham Savannah Citizens Advocacy, he has developed and implemented programs to assist the disabled better their life skills. He is excited to be a member of GoodWill Good Guides mentoring program. He is also a part of a Cerebral Palsy support group. As a writer Robert is constantly seeking creative ways to foster a dynamic learning environment and to promote life to those less fortunate through his books.

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