Joy To The World di Delois Hill edito da Page Publishing Inc
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Joy To The World

Poems to Bless the Soul and Give Glory to God





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Descrizione Joy To The World

Joy to the World is a book of poems that represent the manifestation of the spirit in poetry as heard and seen through the eyes of the writer. These poems were given to illuminate, to strength and encourage, to pull down strongholds as we meditate on what is being said. The title Joy to the World was given to me at the end of this book by the Holy Spirit to echo the intent of the poems for all who will read them, joy to the soul. Joy to the World expresses the glory of God in His creation, the hosts of heaven and earth, the seen and unseen, the sun, the moon the stars and people, and the beauty in every season. There are poems describing the beauty in our surroundings as we pass through each given day, if we only look and see. There are other poems given to help us avoid one of life's strongest issues, and that is pride; it's that thing that blind us to the beauty of what's around us. Little Minds was written to put to death pride. In the back of the book, you will find thirty topics for meditation; each topic has a scripture reference for guidance as you read to write what was given you by the spirit. God deposited something great in each of us. If it's writing, be inspired to write the vision and make it plain, and whoever reads it will tell another. The intent of this book of poetry is to bring 'Joy' to the soul and inspire a move of action for others to write, if a desire is there.

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