Joy: A Message for All the Children of God di Patricia Ruggiero edito da Tate Publishing & Enterprises

Joy: A Message for All the Children of God





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Descrizione Joy: A Message for All the Children of God

Joy A Message for All the Children of God is a modern day parable about a bright yellow sunflower named Joy who unselfishly shares the mystery of her joyful life with all of her faded flower friends who will listen to her message. Joys author, Patricia Ruggiero, conveys through story how the hopeless can be filled with everlasting joy. So Sad called, Wait for me! as he stretched and stretched and stretched, higher and higher and higher. All of a sudden, with almost a pop, So Sads faded-blue petals burst into bright yellow light, as he realized the warmth soaking into his petals, down his green stem and into his very roots, which were planted deep down in the dark dirt of the garden. So Sad called over to Joy, I am enjoying the warmth of the Sun! Joy smiled back at him, bowed her blossom and proclaimed peacefully, I knew you could. I knew you would. Joy A Message for All the Children of God opens conversations between adults and children about God.

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