Journeys On Screen edito da Edinburgh University Press
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Journeys On Screen

Theory, Ethics, Aesthetics





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Descrizione Journeys On Screen

Journeys on Screen: Theory, Ethics and Aesthetics Edited by Louis Bayman and Natália Pinazza Addressing the appeal of the journey narrative from pre-cinema to new media and through documentary, fiction and the spaces between, this collection reveals the journey to be a persistent presence across cinema and in cultural modernity. Drawing on examples from different regions and cultures that traverse art and genre cinema, the book explores the journey as a motif for something wider, a metaphor for self-discovery and social transformation, and evidence of autonomy and progress (or their lack). Illuminating areas of global movement, belonging, diaspora and memory, these essays document epochal changes in human behaviour, from urbanisation, migration and war to tourism and shopping. Louis Bayman is a lecturer in Film Studies at the University of Southampton Natalia Pinazza is a lecturer in Portuguese Studies at the University of Exeter

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