The Journey Through Cancer: Healing and Transforming the Whole Person di Jeremy Geffen edito da THREE RIVERS PR
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The Journey Through Cancer: Healing and Transforming the Whole Person

Healing and Transforming the Whole Person





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Descrizione The Journey Through Cancer: Healing and Transforming the Whole Person

The most important cancer book you will ever read What do you do when your world is turned upside-down by a diagnosis of cancer? How do you sort through the dizzying array of conventional and nonconventional treatment options while also searching for meaningful ways of embracing the mental, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of healing? The Journey Through Cancer answers these questions and more. Board-certified oncologist Jeremy Geffen, MD, has spent more than fifteen years providing treatment, guidance, and care for thousands of cancer patients and their families. In this groundbreaking work, he offers real and inspiring solutions to the unique challenges encountered on the cancer journey, while honoring and caring for the whole person-and his or her entire family-at every step along the way. Full of practical guidance, The Journey Through Cancer will help you to: • Understand the essential aspects of conventional diagnosis, staging, and treatment. • Make informed and intelligent choices about the most effective, safe, and reliable complementary and alternative therapies. • Discover new possibilities for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

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