A Journey Into Business: Walk on the Wildside di Kate Wilde edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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A Journey Into Business: Walk on the Wildside

Walk on the Wildside







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Descrizione A Journey Into Business: Walk on the Wildside

Many people dream of starting a business but it is a special kind of person that takes that leap of faith to pursue the dream. Are you that person? A Journey into Business is a book full of practical tips gained from Kate Wilde's many years' experience of advising people new to business. What makes this book so special and different is that it includes quotes, advice and tips from those who have been there and experienced it first hand, people who have been inspired by Kate and gone on to start and grow successful businesses. Starting a business is like setting out on a journey, the better you prepare, the more likely you are to reach your destination. Along the way you will find all kinds of things thrown in your path to distract and challenge you, but it's how you handle these challenges that determine whether or not you will succeed. If you are at the beginning of your 'journey into business' this book will provide you with a greater understanding of the more practical issues you will need to consider. For many people the journey begins with a great idea but without knowing how to take things forward. The next stage is often the sudden realisation that there is so much to learn and this can seem overwhelming. If you get past this and form a plan you will begin to see much more clearly how it will all fit together and then it's up to you to make it happen. This book is designed to guide you through the early stages of starting a business, to teach you the lessons of those who have walked the path before you, and to be your companion along the way. Enjoy your journey.

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