Journal of Research of the American Federation of Astrologers Vol. 15 edito da American Federation of Astrologers
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Journal of Research of the American Federation of Astrologers Vol. 15





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Descrizione Journal of Research of the American Federation of Astrologers Vol. 15

Volume 15 of the American Federation of Astrologers Journal of Research includes papers on a variety of astrological subjects: Hybris Syndrome: An Astrological Approach by Ana Andrade and Silvia Méndez; Islamic Astrology: A History by Joe Simon; The Impact of Astrology on Carl Jung by José Luis Belmonte; The Influence of the Tropical and Sidereal Zodiacs on Personal Transits by Peter Meyer; How Midpoints Feature in 2014 World Political Trials and Health Issues by Pamela Rowe; Astrology as a Ten-Dimensional Science by Pamela J. Fernsler; The Astrology Code by Michael Bergen; Tidy Vesta Can Warn Us of Messy Disasters by Sue Kientz; Yods in Suicide and Homicide Charts by Arlene DeAngelus; 9/56 Year Cycle: U.S. Presidential Assassinations by David McMinn; Wind Direction by Kris Brandt Riske; Biodynamics Agriculture: An Earth Astrology by Glen Atkinson; Homosexuality Signature in Vedic Astrology by Indranil Ray; and AntiKythera Mechanism: A 2000-year-old Astro-Computer by Demetra George

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