Joseph Conrad: Heart of Darkness: Essays, Articles, Reviews di Nicolas Tredell edito da COLUMBIA UNIV PR
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Joseph Conrad: Heart of Darkness: Essays, Articles, Reviews





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At last available in a single volume: comprehensive overviews and concise analyses of the key critical texts and approaches to the most-studied works of literature. By assembling extracts from essays, reviews, and articles, the columbia critical guides provide students with ready access to the most important secondary writings on a single text or pair of texts by a given writer.each volume:
-- Offers a balanced and nuanced approach to criticism, drawing on a wide array of British and American sources -- Explains criticism in terms of key approaches, allowing students to grasp the central issues for each work -- Is edited by a noted scholar who specializes in the writer or work in question -- Includes notes and a comprehensive bibliography and index.The critical works in this collection analyze the complex narrative technique of heart of darkness while exploring its evocation of myth, philosophy, and politics, its attitudes to empire, its images of Africa, and its representations of women. Examining secondary sources from the 1900s to the 1990s, this guide is an indispensable resource for the study of one of Conrad's most potent works.

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