Jim′s Book di Catherine Moolenschot edito da Wiley-Blackwell
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Jim′s Book

The Surprising Story Of Jim Penman - Australia's Backyard Millionaire





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Descrizione Jim′s Book

Meet the man and uncover the story behind one of Australia's most recognised brands We all know Jim's. Maybe you just passed a Jim's Mowing trailer on the road; or maybe there's a Jim's Cleaning van parked across the street each Tuesday morning; or maybe your best mate is laughing all the way to the bank after quitting the city and starting his new Jim's Fencing franchise, but do you know the real story behind the Jim's Group and its founder, Jim Penman? Brutally efficient, socially awkward, and a tireless perfectionist, Jim is as complex and fascinating as the Jim's Group. This book is a warts-and-all look at his colourful life that delves deep into how he ignored conventional thinking to turn a few mowing rounds into a corporate juggernaut built on always putting the customer first. In this authorised biography, author Catherine Moolenschot sat down with Jim and over one hundred people who know him -- from franchisees and franchisors, to family, friends, and adversaries -- to get up close and personal with the surprising story of one of Australia's biggest brands and the man who made it all happen.

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