Ji Jia Pan Gu Da Mao Xian 1 Shen Qi de Wen Zi Huan Shu di Mengjun Hong edito da Xing Qi Ba Chu Ban She

Ji Jia Pan Gu Da Mao Xian 1 Shen Qi de Wen Zi Huan Shu





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Descrizione Ji Jia Pan Gu Da Mao Xian 1 Shen Qi de Wen Zi Huan Shu

This graphic book combines history and culture taking the reader back to the time of when Chinese characters were created. Chinese characters are created by way of six rules. Characters created by these rules convey the philosophy, culture, social structure and way of life in the ancient days. These character stories convey human nature and relationship, and evoke empathy. In Traditional Chinese. Distributed by Tsai Fong Books, Inc.

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€ 19.50

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