Jesus Is the Thesis di Jeff Voth, Joshua Beck edito da Wipf and Stock
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Jesus Is the Thesis

Meditations On A Christocentric Faith





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Descrizione Jesus Is the Thesis

From story and Scripture to sex and politics, Jesus is at the center. That is the conviction of Voth and Beck in Jesus is the Thesis, who aim to help you more clearly see the truth and beauty of Jesus Christ--and through that clearer picture, see the joy of a life lived following him. It is in the recognition of Jesus as the main idea, the one who holds everything together, that we find the story beneath all stories, the through-line of the Bible, the hope for our lives, and the just and flourishing life we seek. Jesus is the Thesis is a unique and varied work of Christ-centered apologetics--for the student, for the skeptic, and for the seasoned follower of Christ.

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