Jaws Of Evil di Mmoloki Moreo edito da Austin Macauley Publishers
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Jaws Of Evil





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Descrizione Jaws Of Evil

Jaws of Evil is a fiction novel that depicts a journey of a heroine and gallant fighter, Brielle, who navigates a treacherous journey to reject and question an oppressive and repressive system led by a partriarchal woman, hell bent to promote and propagate the failure of other women and disenfranchisement of minorities. Zodwa, a mother in law to Brielle, ensures that her daughter in law suffers the same injustices the male dominated society has been subjecting women to right across the world, such as woman abuse, exploitation, inequality and gender based violence. Brielle is denied the right to education, the right to choose her spouse, and the right to lead her tribe simply because she is a woman. Following the death of her husband, Adam, who was an heir to the throne of the Vuvuzela tribe, the royal house, through the evil actions of Zodwa, plans to have Brielle inherited by one of the lustful uncles who form part of the royal house's inner circle in a bid to deny her, her rightful position to lead the tribe. Will she get her due rights?

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