Jason and the Poetry Contest di Monika Rossa Wheatley edito da STRATEGIC BOOK PUB
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Jason and the Poetry Contest





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Descrizione Jason and the Poetry Contest

Jason and the Poetry Contest is the second children's book in a series. The first story was Jason and the Golden Coin. Eight-year-old Jason and his friends are excited about a poetry contest at their school. Two of Jason's friends, Alice and Diana, enter the contest. But Diana cheats by stealing an idea, and wins the big prize, which is a trip to Disneyland. Jason is a close observer and discovers with help from the Czar, his friend and mentor from the first book, that a lie took place during the contest. Partly due to Jason, the truth comes out that Alice would have won the trip if the competition was fair. Diana confesses to cheating, and realizes that her first choice between right and wrong was the wrong choice. It turns out both girls get to go to Disneyland, because Jason and the Poetry Contest is also about forgiveness. Author Bio: Monika Rossa Wheatley is a fine artist, writer, and a mother of five grown children. She lives with her husband in Tucson, Arizona. Publisher's website: http://www.strategicpublishinggroup.com/title/JasonAndThePoetryContest.html

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