James Oliver Curwood: God's Country and the Man di Judith A. Eldridge edito da UNIV OF WISCONSIN PR
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James Oliver Curwood: God's Country and the Man

God's Country And The Man





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Descrizione James Oliver Curwood: God's Country and the Man

When the wounded bear he faced on a mountain ledge that day turned aside, James Curwood felt that he had been spared. From this encounter he became an avid conservationist. He wrote relentlessly--magazine stories and books and then for the new medium of motion pictures. Like many authors of his time, he was actively involved in movie-making until the plight of the forests and wildlife in his home state of Michigan turned his energies toward conservation. A man ahead of his time, and quickly forgotten after his death in 1927, his gift of himself to his readers and to nature has finally come to be appreciated again two generations later.

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