The Jaljal¿tiyya Litany di Sayyidina Ali Ibn Abi Talib edito da Institute for Spiritual and Cultural Advancement (
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The Jaljal¿tiyya Litany





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Descrizione The Jaljal¿tiyya Litany

"Sacred sound must not be read analytically for the sake of control or comprehension, but with the intention of entering a space of intimate sparks of Divine Reality. This prayer, the Jaljal¿tiyya, carries sounds and letters anchored in the Beautiful and Majestic Names of our Origin, sustenance, protection, guidance, and evolving journey." Imam Kamau Ayubbi "Among the countless knowledges that the Prophet ¿ deposited in the heart of Sayyidina Ali (r) are the spiritual secrets that connect heaven and earth, the breaths that undergird the sounds and voices of the Qur¿an, God's final testament and revelation to humanity. All of these can be found in the litany at hand: al-Jaljal¿tiyya. This prayer should be considered the source and origin of the countless supplications written by Muslim saints throughout history, many of whom were themselves descendants of Sayyidina Ali (r). Dr. Ali Hussain

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