It's Still Strictly Personal di Eric Friedmann edito da Newman Springs Publishing, Inc.
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It's Still Strictly Personal

A Continuing Nostalgic Movie Memoir of 1983-1991





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Descrizione It's Still Strictly Personal

It's Still Strictly Personal continues Eric Friedmann's journey through the movies during the nine-year period of 1983 to 1991. While he and the rest of the world embraced blockbuster motion pictures like Ghostbusters, Back to the Future, Top Gun, Die Hard, Batman, and Terminator 2, it was also alternative films like A Passage to India, Blue Velvet, Platoon, Do the Right Thing, and Cinema Paradiso that captured his attention and continued to impact his youth, while shaping a deeper and more meaningful insight to the possibilities of cinema. Eric's personal story about the movies is still told with great memory and affection, for those who still remember a time when movies continued to change, grow, and evolve into deep-rooted memories for all of us who loved sitting in front of the big screen and waited for the magic to unfold. "Some movies we just watch. Others, we feel. Those that we can feel may not only tell us who we once were but perhaps who we have the potential to become." --Eric Friedmann So, are you ready to go back in time again...and remember?

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