It's Not All Lavender in Provence di Steven Thorne edito da New Generation Publishing
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It's Not All Lavender in Provence





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Descrizione It's Not All Lavender in Provence

For hundreds of years, the Provençal village of Les Couchettes d'Azur has nestled on the south slope of a limestone escarpment. Its tall medieval houses cluster tightly together against the fierce sun in the summer and the bitter Mistral in the winter. Some of the south-facing windows of the houses look out between the pine trees, across the fields of vines and olive groves to the Mediterranean sea five kilometres away. There has always been peace and harmony in the village... until a celebrity arrives. Bernard Itrock, the internationally famous rugby star, retired five years ago and bought a near-derelict eighteenth-century house at the top of the village. Bernard, now thirty-seven, still maintains his athletic build, but has replaced his sport with a new one - women. What hilarious escapades does Bernard get up to on his electronic waterbed? What is so special about his Norwegian floozy? Is he man enough when he is with Fredrika, the ex-shot-put champion? What happens in Fiona's whirlpool bath with Bernard and Kitty? Will the three cuckolded husbands plotting to get even with Bernard succeed? And will Bernard be loyal to his new girlfriend Christine...?

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