It's Lonely at the Top! di Oswald R. Viva edito da iUniverse
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It's Lonely at the Top!

A Practical Guide to Becoming a Better Leader of Your Small Company







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Descrizione It's Lonely at the Top!

As the owner and CEO of a small or midsized business, the success or failure of your operation begins and ends with you. But success doesn't just mean earning profits. To truly be a leader, you must strive to improve the welfare of your employees, stakeholders, and others allied with your business by envisioning and implementing a strategy for success. Make the right decisions with the guidance of author Oswald R. Viva, a longtime entrepreneur and business coach, using this straightforward manual. You'll be jotting down notes nonstop as you learn how to: ¿ motivate yourself to the best CEO you can be; ¿ create a work culture that cultivates achievement; ¿ delegate and make employees accountable; ¿ improve every aspect of your organization. This guide points you to the knowledge that can help you make the right decisions even in the toughest situations. It's Lonely at the Top, but when you seek out the right guidance and make educated moves, you can accomplish your objectives, become a better leader, and increase profitability for your small or midsized business.

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