It's Just A Journey With Ros di Ros Wilson edito da Olympia Publishers
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It's Just A Journey With Ros





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Descrizione It's Just A Journey With Ros

Apollo moonshots could be seen taking off from Florida when Ros Wilson's career took off in the Bahamas. A child of the forties, she trained as a teacher in the sixties and has also taught in the Cayman Islands, the Middle East and even the UK. Having been hit by Hurricane Alan, honked out by a dead cat dragged in for the nature table and having helped haul sheep out of a crisis at Christmas, she found she'd salted enough wealth away in the bank of experience to take on consultancy work, too.She now writes authoritatively on educational practice and policy.Of popular and professional interest, her story can now be read for fun, hilarity or interest by all. No parent ill-informed about the professional background of schoolteachers, nor would-be schoolteachers ill-informed about what they could be in for, will regret relaxing and enjoying the fun and laughter of Life's Just a Journey by Ros Wilson.

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