It's Brave to Be Kind: A Kindness Book for Children That Teaches Empathy and Compassion di Natasha Daniels edito da ROCKRIDGE PR
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It's Brave to Be Kind: A Kindness Book for Children That Teaches Empathy and Compassion

A Kindness Book for Children That Teaches Empathy and Compassion







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Descrizione It's Brave to Be Kind: A Kindness Book for Children That Teaches Empathy and Compassion

Explore the power of kindness together—a story and activity book for kids ages 5 to 7 and their familiesBeing kind and compassionate is an important skill for every kid to learn. But just like anything else, it takes some practice! This how-to-be-kind book for kids is a fun and colorful storybook to read as a family and discover that being kind also means being open, accepting, and brave.What sets this book apart from other kindness books:A story of kindness—Give kids a supportive role model in Alex, a young girl who meets a new classmate and discovers how important it is to be kind—especially when others aren't.Questions and conversation—As you read along with your child, you'll find thoughtful questions that inspire both of you to talk about kindness and compassion and what they look like.ABCs of kindness—Encourage kids to try out what they've learned with hands-on activities like writing a thank-you note, offering to help around the house, or creating a Kindness Jar.Show little ones what it means to be a truly kind person with this top choice in books that teach kindness.

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