It's All About The Kingdom, Volume One di Rev. Larry A. Brookins edito da AuthorHouse
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It's All About The Kingdom, Volume One

10 Sermons with Kingdom Themes







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Descrizione It's All About The Kingdom, Volume One

This Book embodies the expectations and aspirations of 'Kingdom people' as expounded in a series of 10 sermons, through which the inspiration of the Holy Spirit conveyed unto me to share with you. The topics are: Kingdom Commitment, Kingdom Greatness, Kingdom Priorities, Kingdom Investments, Kingdom Focus, Kingdom Economics, Kingdom Purpose, Kingdom Attitudes, Kingdom Characteristics and Kingdom Privilege. Throughout the teachings of New Testament Scripture the theme of the Kingdom is central. John the Baptist preached the Kingdom and Jesus Himself commenced His earthly ministry on the same topic: "Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand" (Matt 4:17). At a matter of fact, at the heart of Jesus' commandments for His followers is the decree of Matthew 6:33, "But seek ye first the Kingdom of God." As disciples of Christ, we are encouraged to walk in the footsteps of Jesus (1 Peter 2:2 & 1 John 2:6) and to take on the very mindset of Christ (Philippians 2:5). In this we are called "Christians," and in this, we showcase to the world from generation to generation that "It's all about the Kingdom!"

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