Isle Noir di Randy Upton edito da Page Publishing, Inc
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Isle Noir





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Descrizione Isle Noir

In a world gone mad, Isle Noir is a city rife with corruption and greed run by secret societies and criminal cabals. The police are either incompetent, corrupt, or severely overworked. For the average joe, the only hope for justice is to hire a private eye. Brie Kerrygold is an art historian with a shaky employment record and an even worse dating history. Her last chance for a meaningful job is as a girl Friday for PI Jake Crane. Her shorthand may be a little rusty, but this cute blonde is a crack shot with a knack for overcoming obstacles and getting into the places she needs to be. With the help of her friends and family, Brie is going to show the bad guys that, even in Isle Noir, you don't piss off the cute blonde! Whether she can keep a boyfriend is another question entirely.

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