Is There a Doctor in the Church House? di Gwendolyn Cromer edito da AuthorHouse
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Is There a Doctor in the Church House?







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Descrizione Is There a Doctor in the Church House?

"Lord, what is wrong with me? I'm faithful to Church, I give my Tithes and Offerings, I pray, fast and read my Bible but I'm still not getting the results that Pastor Do-Right and Evangelist Get-Right said I would have. You told me to love my neighbor as myself, but I can't love my neighbor because I don't love myself!" II Corinthians 5:17 says, "If any man be in Christ he is a new creature, old things are passed away, behold all things are become new". Well if "all" things are new, why am I still having problems with the same old feelings and attitudes? When I received Jesus Christ as my personal Savior, the Church didn't realize that it was just as important for the Believer to be taught about his "body" as it was to be taught about his "soul" and "spirit". As a result, many Believers are attacked mentally and physically and there is no REAL peace or joy in their lives because he does not understand what is going on inside of him! He is ignorant of the fact that Satan is constantly using his brain chemistry, hormones and normal brain functions in his "subversive" plan of attack to "rob" him and "undermine" the Word of God in his life. This book "bridges the gap" between the physical and spiritual life of the Believer and reveals some important physiological "truths" that will impact his life and "make him free" Medically Speaking!

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