The Iranian Chronicles di Ali Delforoush edito da iUniverse
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The Iranian Chronicles

Unveiling the Dark Truths of the Islamic Republic







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Descrizione The Iranian Chronicles

The repression in Iran during the past thirty-three years has spilled into nearly every aspect of common citizens' lives. Human rights, integrity, ethics, cultural values, and legal morality in Iran have all been dismantled piece by piece since the revolution. In The Iranian Chronicles, author Ali Delforoush, who was born in Iran, presents a collection of eight true narratives about Iranian citizens and the challenges they face with respect to their nation's repressive regime. Based on more than four hundred interviews, The Iranian Chronicles portrays the relationships among the Iranian government, its people, and its social issues, including censorship, association in public, women's rights, homosexuality, prostitution, and drugs. It tells the stories of Omid, a young hip-hop artist struggling with censorship; Nahid, a student activist who was unjustly imprisoned and tortured in the aftermath of the 2009 uprisings; Rasul, a wealthy merchant lost between the lines of love and lust; and Parisa, a prostitute who was forced into a temporary marriage with a cleric. Through poignant, firsthand accounts, The Iranian Chronicles describes the realities of everyday life in Iran and puts a real human face on the challenges the noble and compassionate citizens must deal with under the Islamic Republic rule.

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