Introduction To Wireless Communications And Networks di Krishnamurthy Raghunandan edito da Springer Nature Switzerland AG
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Introduction To Wireless Communications And Networks

A Practical Perspective





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This book provides an intuitive and accessible introduction to the fundamentals of wireless communications and their tremendous impact on nearly every aspect of our lives. The author starts with basic information on physics and mathematics and then expands on it, helping readers understand fundamental concepts of RF systems and how they are designed. Covering diverse topics in wireless communication systems, including cellular and personal devices, satellite and space communication networks, telecommunication regulation, standardization and safety, the book combines theory and practice using problems from industry, and includes examples of day-to-day work in the field. It is divided into two parts ¿ basic (fundamentals) and advanced (elected topics). Drawing on the author¿s extensive training and industry experience in standards, public safety and regulations, the book includes information on what checks and balances are used by wireless engineers around the globe and address questionsconcerning safety, reliability and long-term operation. A full suite of classroom information is included.

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