Introduction to Layout Design and Automation of Photonic Integrated Circuits di Ahmadreza Farsaei edito da Springer-Verlag GmbH
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Introduction to Layout Design and Automation of Photonic Integrated Circuits





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Descrizione Introduction to Layout Design and Automation of Photonic Integrated Circuits

This book introduces readers to the physical design (layout) and design automation of Photonic Integrated Ciruicts (PICs) which is an essential building block of Electronic-Photonic Design Automation (EPDA). Proper PIC design automation and implementation of complex curvilinear shapes play a critical role in reliability, quality, and time-to-market of complex PIC products. The author starts by introducing some basic mathematical concepts used in implementation of photonic components, followed by a deep dive into implementation details of parameterized PIC components. The book introduces the industry-standard schematic driven layout flow and tries to simplify the concepts and implementations. The author conveys difficult concepts and advanced EPDA scripting/programming methodologies, using a simple language and coding examples.

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